Sunday, April 29, 2007

The Case of the Missing Vidster

Apparently, vid's been kidnapped.

He appeared some time last night after dissapearing when he jumped down the Shaft with Janine. He ran through the hood with Montgomery and K'Tania in it, yelling "WE'RE OUT OF TIME!" and "WE NEED TO GET OUT!" freaking out and such.
He ran through the hood like a maniac, and scrambled up to the Bookroom, and he swiped his hand across the Gahreesen Book, and the two explorers followed him through it.
He continued to run like a madman straight to the Locker Room, where he linked to the balcony.

They followed him there, and he somehow managed to leap straight over the side of the balcony, and as he plummeted through the air, he just pretty much vanished.
Nobody know what's happened to him, nobody know where he went, and they don't know what's going on now.

Andy Legate said he linked in and saw a strange explorer with a white DRC Hat and his KI didn't register his name. As he turned awkwardly away, the figure started following him, and he Relto'd out.
Besides that, yeah, nothing new. besides ALL that. I recorded most of the meeting to discuss it hopefully, but I had to come up, and I'm gonna add this before I head off to run errands.

People have been saying he's "hoaxing" us, or a Bahro chased him, just showing itself to vid, the DRC are thinking vid got to close, I think I suggested the funny DRC-hatted guy chasing him in a Maintainer Suit with invisible capabilities. Hmm. Oh, yeah, and the Shaft being the Rabbit Hole from Alice in Wonderland.

"Stop saying that, cream puffs are good!" - Valdez, after I'd said vid had been chased away by cream puffs and they were nasty. Several times.

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