Monday, September 10, 2007

Spies and Whys

Phil's lost it. Honestly.

He was on the roof of Tokotah I this morning, and not the rooftop, that little edge that you can see, you'll understand if you see the pictures people took while trying to bring him down. Most interesting though, is him saying that "He" is here.
New Fizzle in Teledahn Slave Caves, spoiler, bah, don't look, too late. Though now Sharper, DRC, who knows put the Spy Room Bahro Stone (Wasn't it a book?) back in its place, and ofcourse, Phil's Relto is still in its place. Though the DRC seem to have altered what they put in the Tokotah Room we can see. Making me believe even more they know about the Spy Room now.

Phil's Relto has been made public, which is causing who knows how many people to migrate and crowd up the place. Phil has the old bookshelf, oddly enough, and his whole bottom shelf of books I don't recognize. Do you think they could be Releeshahn, Noloben, and such? Who knows.
The Stained Glass Project winners are going up, haven't checked out the Bookrooms, ot sure if they put it up yet or anything.

Engberg is finally back for whatever purpose, a very short visit to the Pub, leaving more questions than answering them. And I have my own theories about "Him" and Engberg..

"Whoa... I don't have any bones." - phend, up on the Tokotah Roof

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