Later, spent some time (After some transformations in the Handy Dandy Closet.) fooling kyashii into thinking I was a visitor or something like that. Ended up in Kal's Er'Cana, and my linkness screwed on me, long story.
Then, highlight of my day (SR may wanna tell me if this is confidential or anything, but chances are whatzisname already knows who ya'll are.) Apparently, Foxylass, Andy Legate, Ravenclaw, and I'm sure somebody else was at some sort of auction and somebody put a linking book up for bid. I can't quite imagine what an audience's reaction would be, though.
I don't really know exactly what happened, I arrived in the middle, didn't catch the whole gist, but I think Mr. Kennicot, their head of security, put it for bid. May've been a caller, I know looters had something to do with it.
But they also said that Mr. Kennicot said that a "Mr. Halifax" did it, and there was an informant named Pockets who really liked money.
And at some point, they ended up being shot at by somebody or other, and Ravenclaw was grazed at the shoulder, it didn't look horrible, but I think everyone knew it was there until he mentioned it. And there was something about Montgomery almost getting fired, though I dunno if he was SR, or the Guild of Inspectors. Maybe he was just there.
Anywho, seems the Subterranean Explorations Bevin is turning out to be quite an interesting place to be lately. I know Arthur Kalnins went off somewhere, haven't checked on anything, it would be embarrassing if it turned out he was out and about..
I suppose I should be taking this seriously, but, well, I wasn't shot at.

"Going up the stairs, and going down the stairs, and going up the stairs, and going down the stairs, and GOING UP THE SIDEWAYS STAIRS!!" - vid, yeah..
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