Eh, sorry about my abscence and overly-mysterious last message, it was via KI and I was excited and didn't want to waste time, just trying to listen to the recently returned Mr. Watson. New Eagle Page, DRC Jacket (Did I mention that already?), and a whole bunch of other mysticism. But that's just to explain everything.
It was Firesign's birthday the other day, I actually meant to post this on that day, but its a little late, we threw the party the other day, and its been a couple days since the actual birthday. I think the situation was he was going somewhere on his birthday, I don't know deatils, don't even know if he's back yet, but Happy Birthday Firesign!
Plus there was the Karaoke Party's Bevin last night, and we really do have some mighty good singers out there, and I was thinking. Wouldn't it be funny if an explorer got on American Idol or something, just imagine:
AI Explorer:I want to give a shout out to Yeesha, Atrus, Cate Alexander, Dr. Watson.. Uhh.. Laxman, and Phil, the colors, man! Yeah! And uh, to my parents, but they're not that important.
Simon: You suck.
But yeah, I suppose that's it, so, harohs!
"Very carefully.." - Fax Paladin, responding to how you can fax a paladin
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Monday, September 10, 2007
Spies and Whys
Phil's lost it. Honestly.
He was on the roof of Tokotah I this morning, and not the rooftop, that little edge that you can see, you'll understand if you see the pictures people took while trying to bring him down. Most interesting though, is him saying that "He" is here.
New Fizzle in Teledahn Slave Caves, spoiler, bah, don't look, too late. Though now Sharper, DRC, who knows put the Spy Room Bahro Stone (Wasn't it a book?) back in its place, and ofcourse, Phil's Relto is still in its place. Though the DRC seem to have altered what they put in the Tokotah Room we can see. Making me believe even more they know about the Spy Room now.
Phil's Relto has been made public, which is causing who knows how many people to migrate and crowd up the place. Phil has the old bookshelf, oddly enough, and his whole bottom shelf of books I don't recognize. Do you think they could be Releeshahn, Noloben, and such? Who knows.
The Stained Glass Project winners are going up, haven't checked out the Bookrooms, ot sure if they put it up yet or anything.
Engberg is finally back for whatever purpose, a very short visit to the Pub, leaving more questions than answering them. And I have my own theories about "Him" and Engberg..
"Whoa... I don't have any bones." - phend, up on the Tokotah Roof
He was on the roof of Tokotah I this morning, and not the rooftop, that little edge that you can see, you'll understand if you see the pictures people took while trying to bring him down. Most interesting though, is him saying that "He" is here.
New Fizzle in Teledahn Slave Caves, spoiler, bah, don't look, too late. Though now Sharper, DRC, who knows put the Spy Room Bahro Stone (Wasn't it a book?) back in its place, and ofcourse, Phil's Relto is still in its place. Though the DRC seem to have altered what they put in the Tokotah Room we can see. Making me believe even more they know about the Spy Room now.
Phil's Relto has been made public, which is causing who knows how many people to migrate and crowd up the place. Phil has the old bookshelf, oddly enough, and his whole bottom shelf of books I don't recognize. Do you think they could be Releeshahn, Noloben, and such? Who knows.
The Stained Glass Project winners are going up, haven't checked out the Bookrooms, ot sure if they put it up yet or anything.
Engberg is finally back for whatever purpose, a very short visit to the Pub, leaving more questions than answering them. And I have my own theories about "Him" and Engberg..
"Whoa... I don't have any bones." - phend, up on the Tokotah Roof
Sunday, September 9, 2007
gUiLd MaNiA!!
Ah, Cate released the Guild Pubs today. Maintainers was the firstout, and then they added all the others one-by-one. And honestly, the suckiest thing is. The Guild of Maintainers' is UGLY, and that's my thing, man!
I mean, the Guild of Greeters' is girly, yes, get mad at me. But even though the Maintainers' have burgundy, which is dissapointing enough, I feared what the Pub would look like. The colorist sure stunk, but the architect was somewhat better, since it wasn't totally untasteful.
The Guild of Cartographers' had the Rezeero Map on the floor, the Messengers' was neat in yellow, though the Writers' Pub, as freakin' awesome as it looks, is simply screaming "The Emo's Pub!" which I'm sure people will hate me for. But I'm not calling all the Writers emo, I just think that the Pub is emo. I mean, look at all the cracks..
Plus, I found a GI-NORMOUS picture of Cate on the Greeters' Pub Imager, which freaked me out and made me laugh out loud at the exact same time, which was even more hysterical for on-lookers. Another visit from phend and his whimsical colors, and Nick said something about the University of Oregon, apparently. Or he's touched the DRC Bong.
There's a KI Message called "Guild Pubs Open," too.
And that's about it, though there might be more today, I'm afraid I must head up.
"Quack!" - Nick White, talking about the University of Oregon Duck
I mean, the Guild of Greeters' is girly, yes, get mad at me. But even though the Maintainers' have burgundy, which is dissapointing enough, I feared what the Pub would look like. The colorist sure stunk, but the architect was somewhat better, since it wasn't totally untasteful.
The Guild of Cartographers' had the Rezeero Map on the floor, the Messengers' was neat in yellow, though the Writers' Pub, as freakin' awesome as it looks, is simply screaming "The Emo's Pub!" which I'm sure people will hate me for. But I'm not calling all the Writers emo, I just think that the Pub is emo. I mean, look at all the cracks..
Plus, I found a GI-NORMOUS picture of Cate on the Greeters' Pub Imager, which freaked me out and made me laugh out loud at the exact same time, which was even more hysterical for on-lookers. Another visit from phend and his whimsical colors, and Nick said something about the University of Oregon, apparently. Or he's touched the DRC Bong.
There's a KI Message called "Guild Pubs Open," too.
And that's about it, though there might be more today, I'm afraid I must head up.
"Quack!" - Nick White, talking about the University of Oregon Duck
Saturday, September 8, 2007
Acid Trip
Well, I dunno, but I think Phil's either lost it or Yeesha's got him on something.
He's cryptic and all that as usual ofcourse, but he reappeared today and started in Blabbity's hood saying something about music and playing really weirdly with the garden lights for no particular reason.
Then he moved on to Kirel and started talking about colors like a madman, and green, and said "Man.." a real lot. And he ended his trip in NULP's Bevin babbling about cones and acting a a bit.. off. Honestly, I think he's been touching the shroom.
Cate was in Kirel, her appearance was actually wierdly mysterious, talked about the Guild Pubs, a few people mentioned the Spy Room Sharper gave us a few years back, apparently he told the DRC, cause Cate wasn't surprised, said it was crowded, and left.
I wouldn't say she was loopy like phend, but she seemed a bit occupied, if nothing else..
And to top the day off, Reteltee went crazy too. He showed up in the Watcher's Sanctuary a couple times hallucinating about Dr. Phil and eyeballs. Honestly, I'm wondering if the DRC is passing around a bong around to even the Guild Advisors.
The only person who seems sane is JD Barnes, saw him around midnight earlier, and just now, whose as methodical and enigmatic as usual. He's definetely earning my respect, whether or not he's making a documentary or he's DRC. I don't care, I like the man. Also, just FYI since I might as well spread it around, Mr. Barnes has published the first episode of his documentary on YouTube, so you should check it out. It's in two parts, so look at them both.
"Man... We need colors." - phend, acting a bit loopy in Kirel
He's cryptic and all that as usual ofcourse, but he reappeared today and started in Blabbity's hood saying something about music and playing really weirdly with the garden lights for no particular reason.
Then he moved on to Kirel and started talking about colors like a madman, and green, and said "Man.." a real lot. And he ended his trip in NULP's Bevin babbling about cones and acting a a bit.. off. Honestly, I think he's been touching the shroom.
Cate was in Kirel, her appearance was actually wierdly mysterious, talked about the Guild Pubs, a few people mentioned the Spy Room Sharper gave us a few years back, apparently he told the DRC, cause Cate wasn't surprised, said it was crowded, and left.
I wouldn't say she was loopy like phend, but she seemed a bit occupied, if nothing else..
And to top the day off, Reteltee went crazy too. He showed up in the Watcher's Sanctuary a couple times hallucinating about Dr. Phil and eyeballs. Honestly, I'm wondering if the DRC is passing around a bong around to even the Guild Advisors.
The only person who seems sane is JD Barnes, saw him around midnight earlier, and just now, whose as methodical and enigmatic as usual. He's definetely earning my respect, whether or not he's making a documentary or he's DRC. I don't care, I like the man. Also, just FYI since I might as well spread it around, Mr. Barnes has published the first episode of his documentary on YouTube, so you should check it out. It's in two parts, so look at them both.
"Man... We need colors." - phend, acting a bit loopy in Kirel
Monday, September 3, 2007
The Day of Dancing!
Well, the day has arrived!
I missed the first half of it, but caught it during dodo's portion in his Tetsonot. personally, I thought the place was crazy creepy, but with lots of people and techno music, it really did turn into a rave. It's actually a pretty good idea.
Then there was Ktahdn in the Hall of Kings, and Vortmax in his Payiferen, and all that good stuff! This would have honestly had to be one of my single-most favorite times in the Cavern pretty much ever! There was the Great Portal Party, the 24 Calibration Thing, and the Kadish Dance Party, but nothing compares to this!
It literally is dancing, DJs, and everything for a straight twenty-four hours, and Thend doesn't get to sleep. Don't forget the party paddle and crazy Squees!
Ain't the longest post in the world, but that's all there is to it, being awesome! :D
"We're fools whether we dance or not, so we might as well dance." - Japanese Proverb, quoted by K'Laamas
I missed the first half of it, but caught it during dodo's portion in his Tetsonot. personally, I thought the place was crazy creepy, but with lots of people and techno music, it really did turn into a rave. It's actually a pretty good idea.
Then there was Ktahdn in the Hall of Kings, and Vortmax in his Payiferen, and all that good stuff! This would have honestly had to be one of my single-most favorite times in the Cavern pretty much ever! There was the Great Portal Party, the 24 Calibration Thing, and the Kadish Dance Party, but nothing compares to this!
It literally is dancing, DJs, and everything for a straight twenty-four hours, and Thend doesn't get to sleep. Don't forget the party paddle and crazy Squees!
Ain't the longest post in the world, but that's all there is to it, being awesome! :D
"We're fools whether we dance or not, so we might as well dance." - Japanese Proverb, quoted by K'Laamas
Sunday, September 2, 2007
The Looters Cometh!!
I spent half the day in the Cavern today, early afternoon consisted of spectating Thend, Janine, and the others rehearsing the Day of Dancing, testing audio, servers, and all that crap. Unfortunately, I don't think I'll be able to make Firesign and Jin's turn, I love everyone else's turns too, but I dunno. ireen's is called B'Chill.. Eh, that's so going to be used out of context, isn't it?
Later, spent some time (After some transformations in the Handy Dandy Closet.) fooling kyashii into thinking I was a visitor or something like that. Ended up in Kal's Er'Cana, and my linkness screwed on me, long story.
Then, highlight of my day (SR may wanna tell me if this is confidential or anything, but chances are whatzisname already knows who ya'll are.) Apparently, Foxylass, Andy Legate, Ravenclaw, and I'm sure somebody else was at some sort of auction and somebody put a linking book up for bid. I can't quite imagine what an audience's reaction would be, though.
I don't really know exactly what happened, I arrived in the middle, didn't catch the whole gist, but I think Mr. Kennicot, their head of security, put it for bid. May've been a caller, I know looters had something to do with it.
But they also said that Mr. Kennicot said that a "Mr. Halifax" did it, and there was an informant named Pockets who really liked money.
And at some point, they ended up being shot at by somebody or other, and Ravenclaw was grazed at the shoulder, it didn't look horrible, but I think everyone knew it was there until he mentioned it. And there was something about Montgomery almost getting fired, though I dunno if he was SR, or the Guild of Inspectors. Maybe he was just there.
Anywho, seems the Subterranean Explorations Bevin is turning out to be quite an interesting place to be lately. I know Arthur Kalnins went off somewhere, haven't checked on anything, it would be embarrassing if it turned out he was out and about..
I suppose I should be taking this seriously, but, well, I wasn't shot at.
"Going up the stairs, and going down the stairs, and going up the stairs, and going down the stairs, and GOING UP THE SIDEWAYS STAIRS!!" - vid, yeah..
Later, spent some time (After some transformations in the Handy Dandy Closet.) fooling kyashii into thinking I was a visitor or something like that. Ended up in Kal's Er'Cana, and my linkness screwed on me, long story.
Then, highlight of my day (SR may wanna tell me if this is confidential or anything, but chances are whatzisname already knows who ya'll are.) Apparently, Foxylass, Andy Legate, Ravenclaw, and I'm sure somebody else was at some sort of auction and somebody put a linking book up for bid. I can't quite imagine what an audience's reaction would be, though.
I don't really know exactly what happened, I arrived in the middle, didn't catch the whole gist, but I think Mr. Kennicot, their head of security, put it for bid. May've been a caller, I know looters had something to do with it.
But they also said that Mr. Kennicot said that a "Mr. Halifax" did it, and there was an informant named Pockets who really liked money.
And at some point, they ended up being shot at by somebody or other, and Ravenclaw was grazed at the shoulder, it didn't look horrible, but I think everyone knew it was there until he mentioned it. And there was something about Montgomery almost getting fired, though I dunno if he was SR, or the Guild of Inspectors. Maybe he was just there.
Anywho, seems the Subterranean Explorations Bevin is turning out to be quite an interesting place to be lately. I know Arthur Kalnins went off somewhere, haven't checked on anything, it would be embarrassing if it turned out he was out and about..
I suppose I should be taking this seriously, but, well, I wasn't shot at.

"Going up the stairs, and going down the stairs, and going up the stairs, and going down the stairs, and GOING UP THE SIDEWAYS STAIRS!!" - vid, yeah..
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