Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Spoken Word Night #46

SWN46 was fun, I got a pic here, if its important.

I read the new Wacky Adventures of Doug, Nick, and Rils, which I'm glad, cause it seemed everybody liked it. Unless they wanted to make me feel good. I hope so, anywho. I'm about to head off, so I'm hurrying up and posting this.
The main event is a Charlie the Unicorn Myst-isized Parody.

Which is actually going on now, so I'm sending this via KI, so, eh.
The only thing I ever catch of Moietay's stories are "I'M TAY!" which is her catchline, so I guess that works too. We haven't yet gotten Thend to dance.
And I fear he may make a KI Toon of Wheely doing the monkey now.. Hmm..

Well, that's it, so, see ya!

*Shroomie pulls out the shotgun again* - A line from TWADNR #2: Shroomie Strikes Back!

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