Friday, August 3, 2007

Phil Returns

Wow, today is just, amazing, I know the fact that Bahro appeared like crazy is great and all, but something awesome has happened today.

Phil, or phend, has finally returned today! I mean, I'm at a loss for words, I know a whole lot of people thought he was dead, I always believed just a little bit. Seems that familiar voices from the past are returning. Leads me to wonder what will happen with Watson? I remember somebody said it, but it would be so climactic and dramatic if Engberg finds Watson and brings him back with him.
Phend speaks of the Bahro in the same, old, slow way, no offense to the guy, alot of dramatic pauses. He obviously has had some relation with them, he wears the shirt of Yeesha now. And a good Bahro linked in and he interacted with it in such a casual way.
He speaks of many ominous things, and to me, personally, I know he didn't always talk super-fast and such, but he seems hypnotized, or traumatized, or something. he kept on repeating something. Not saying Escher put him in a trance or anything, but something doesn't seem quite right about him..

What the bloody hell has he been doing all this time?

he said he wanted to get back sooner when he spoke to Sharper, who I'm sure he's relieved that he didn't inadvertantly kill the man, I'm sure his conscience is finally cleared, and Sharper admitted he made a mistake, so I'm regaining my respect for the man.
I dunno, I'm sure the DRC wasn't expecting this mid-PR Week, but well, it would seem like great news to me. Like many others, I wish I could've seen Lexie's face when she heard about this, ofcourse, who knows where she is?

Couple new KImails called "Guild Advisor," which is about Reteltee, and "Phil Henderson Returns," which speaks for itself.

"They darken the sky." - phend, describing how the Bahro are gathering in many different Ages, such as Releeshahn and Noloben

KI log of phend's return here

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