Thursday, April 17, 2008

Walking Through the Cavern

A lot of people are buzzing about the sudden loss of public instances in the Cavern, and I will readily admit that I'm surprised too. It's been a few months since the DRC left the Cavern, and now all of this is happening. The KI's are malfunctioning, the Lattice has downed all links to Public Hoods, and only the generic "Ferry Terminal" remains.
As I said, all of the books to Minkata, Jalak, etc. are all gone too, only the basic one's left behind. Whether it be Yeesha's will or otherwise, I can't do much about it, since the Museum and the Library are empty. For the moment, I'm stuck wandering around in what is now the silent city of Ae'Gura. I am glad I took sufficient photos of the Ages that are now gone.

I know many people are also leaving us, though I certainly have no intention of doing so. It's rather lonely being in an empty Cavern, and I've been asking some of the people who know enough about writing if it's possible to link independent instances back together, with little response. As it is, it sounds less and less plausible the more I think about it.
It is kind of peaceful to sit in the ramadas of Eder Kemo and write, but either way, I kind of miss company. I don't know much about the art of writing, so I'll leave the instances as they are. If we're lucky, maybe whatever happened will reverse itself. For now, I'm content linking where I can.

"I'll pass, I'm scary enough sober." - DaytonaKit, when offered a rum shot

Monday, April 7, 2008


I've been reminiscing on my time spent here in the Cavern and, though I do hate to but it so bluntly, I realized how much it truly sucks that the exploration is being shut down. I know a lot of people will probably stay down here, and if I'm able, I'll certainly do the same for as long as I can. If I can, anyway.
I've been thinking along the lines of taking some books with me, though the more and more I think about it, that seems less and less probable, or respectful to the D'ni, for that matter. Yeesha probably wouldn't be too happy with me for that. But my Relto Book, I haven't heard about any reason not to keep them, and I'm sure Yeesha wouldn't care, she might even be thrilled that we would care so much about the Cavern.
But there will be no more Minkata, no more Jalak, no more Eder Delin, or Tsogal, or Pod Ages. Won't have any more access to them. It's a rather depressing thought, though I'll still have a few books in my bookshelf for awhile, though it won't be getting any bigger. And I'm still beating myself over missing the Farewell Party.

There are so many places we haven't explored (Ehh, Pento?), and might never explore. But I think there's a good chance it'll be coming around again in a year or two. You'll all see.
Oh, yeah, and I thought about it and thought it would be a neat idea to include a picture with all my posts, just my own little thing.

"The Bahro are coming from inside the Age! GET OUT!!" - Gondar, when I start hearing a pounding noise in my Relto

Saturday, February 2, 2008

PhotoQuest x Deux

The second PhotoQuest showing was today, pretty neat. I completely missed the first one, and I'm probably going to miss most of this one. Sending from my KI in Gallery 1 right after the sixth rotation, and probably the last one.
Some pretty cool images out there, a few that stand out. Like Carl Palmner's neat Jalak arch and Clean & Sober's inside-out Ahnonay (Must be the wierdest and coolest picture I have ever seen.) I get to see a whole bunch of cool photos without having to go see them. Some people have real talent, and even though I won't get to see them all, definetely cool.

Ktahdn was DJing and giving out pizza, so it was awesome all around. Short post, but meh.

" 'X-Wing Fighters? In D'ni?' " - Thend, talking about Custom KI Images