Wednesday, May 16, 2007


Oh, I probably won't be posting so much now.

Stuff HAS happened, just not very interesting, the DRC have been so inactive.

vid left a message at his house, vid came back, rveealed he had an illness, there was a party at ravenclaw's, Psion's 125th Day thingy, and there was a party on the UO Balcony yesterday.

Basically nothing, I don't have what the message said anymore, but I have a few pictures of the party at Ravenclaw's, oh yeah, and D'ni Party bevin, and the Balcony in my album. Too lazy to post a link to my album, use a past post and backtrack.


I finished my Kemo album, and I climbed to the top of my Relto Waterfall ( Not an overall pleasant experience.) and that's about it. Visited the Guardians Bevin, can't tell if they were new or not, but to be perfectly honest, everyone seemed awfully new to the whole Restoration game, and Eudoras was a bit too enthusiastic with my D'ni Mating Helm.

That's just about the short and long of it.. Yeah..

"Now, let us play PING-PONG!!" - Dakro on the Balcony using a funny Japanese accent while playing around

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