Thursday, July 12, 2007

Playing with Pellets

Well, the pellet work is going along nicely, I've been fooling around with the recipes for the past couple weeks or so. And got set back a week cause I accidentally reset my Er'Cana (Long story.) I'm at about 10, 421 right about now, yes, been lagging behind for the past week, but I got a great recipe from Whilyam and am back on track!

Not actually that much to say, Whilyam is still throwing parties most every night, attending less and less. We found a neat, cool backpack in Er'Cana, that once tweaked in the Handy Magical Closet, looked quite nice.
I call it "Xavius' Archeonaut Costume" along with "The Mad Leprechaun," "The Post Santa," "Indiana Claybourne," and many other lovable characters.

Wow, short entry, right?

"Golf is a nice walk spoiled by a white ball." - Thanakar, talking about golf


Whilyam said...

I'm throwing parties every night? Attending less and less? Not sure I follow. You're welcome for the recipe, though. I got it through Thanakar.

Xavius said...

Wow, I'm a bit confused about that comment myself.. Hmm, and the attending less and less part is about me. Do you throw parties? @_@